January 2, 2014

New Year's Etiquette Resolutions

I hope everyone kicked off 2014 in style and had a wonderful January 1! As each new year rolls in, countless ladies and gents participate in the time-honored tradition of new year's resolutions. A list of goals, hopes, and dreams - be it to attend yoga more frequently and master the hummingbird pose, or achieve new levels of success at work. This year, as you thoughtfully pen your list of admirable resolutions, I kindly ask you consider etiquette resolutions as well. What do I mean by this dear readers? It all circles back to my inaugural blog post, and the reason I created MBB - to inspire people to be their best selves! And so, here are my MBB-approved new year's etiquette resolutions. Enjoy!
  • Be gracious: strive to give thanks with a genuine hand-written thank you note to those who have given you a gift, surprised you with a favor, hosted you at their home, etc. I promise your note will be greatly appreciated! 
  • Be kind: acts of kindness, no matter how small, leave an impression on all of us and can make someone's day. Hold a door open for the mother with a stroller and toddler, offer your seat on the crowded train to a person who might need it more than you, or give a sincere compliment. 
  • Be polite: words that will always be in fashion: please, thank you, you're welcome, excuse me, and I'm sorry. Aim to reinstate these in your vocabulary, and just watch their magic work!
  • Be table ready: we can all benefit from a refresher course on table manners - sitting up straight, properly using utensils, not texting during the meal, etc. - so consider brushing up on dining decorum. 
  • Be considerate: in my opinion, the cornerstone to etiquette is ensuring others feel comfortable, from giving a new member of your social group extra attention so they feel included, or having sparkling water available at your cocktail party for a guest who doesn't partake in libations. Each day, strive to be considerate of others. 


  1. I love your blog and am constantly telling friends about it– the posts and the photos are lovely.
    If you don't mind, could you tell us where the blue printed pencils in the picture are from? Thank you, and happy New Year!

  2. Thank you so much, Cathleen! Thrilled to hear you're a fan of MBB and spreading the word with your friends! The printed pencils/pens are iomoi - a beautiful brand that makes stationery, canvas totes, trays, etc. Here's a link to their site: http://iomoi.stores.yahoo.net/section-deskaccessories.html. Happy New Year!
