January 1, 2014

Happy 2014!

Thyme is Honey
Happy 2014, dear readers! Reflecting back on 2013, it brought its share of celebration-worthy moments and milestones that I'm truly grateful for - launching my beloved MBB! - and yet I am so thrilled to be heading into the sparkling new year of 2014. A year, I know will be spectacular and memorable. 

As perfectly stated above, each year we have an opportunity to shine and make the year ours and I can't wait to make that come true. I have some exciting happenings on the horizon, and look so forward to sharing more of the details with you over the coming months. And so dear readers, I ask you, what do you have planned for 2014? How will you make it your year?

Wishing you all a healthy, happy, and absolutely fabulous 2014! Cheers! 

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