December 4, 2014

Holiday Tipping Etiquette

Dearest readers, now in the throws of the holiday season, many of you are excitedly shopping for loved ones, wrapping gorgeous packages, baking sweet gingerbread men, and cozying up by the crackling fire. The holidays also represent the perfect opportunity to thank those special people in our lives who help us all year long. From the loving au pair to your trusted colorist to the kind apartment concierge in your building, it's important to show your appreciation to these wonderful ladies and gentleman in the form of a holiday tip or small gift. Tipping can be a slippery slope - often, people wonder what is appropriate, and if they give money, how much - so to take the guesswork out of this Christmas tradition, I've created a guide with my recommendations. Additionally, if you regularly tip this person or if you have a tight budget,  a small gift (even homemade - think a fabulous baked good!) and thoughtful note is a beautiful and tasteful gesture. Remember, these are simply MBB suggestions and tipping varies depending upon your budget, relationship with the person, etc., so it is ultimately up to you and what you feel comfortable with! Happy holidays! 

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